painted the master bedroom (2 coats + ceiling)
painted trim in master bedroom (ugh)
got a rug for the living room
got a rug for the office
finished the chalkboard/magnetic wall in kitchen
bought marimekko shower curtain
spray painted ugly light fixture in office
To Do:
move bed into bedroom, move sofa into office
find the perfect coffee table and side table
find the perfect antique mirror
low open shelves for under window
pick out bed, dressers, curtains
paint frames and hang artwork
ikea shelves
get estimate for closet renovation
order china cabinet, dining table and chairs
organize kitchen cabinet and drawers (hello container store)
replace light fixtures in hall, foyer, living room, kitchen and bedroom
Today, I'm obsessed with light fixtures. It's so hard to find ones I like - all are either too ornate, too big, too small or don't give off enough light. The ones at home depot are UGLY. The chandeliers I like are too expensive.
Here is one I love for the living room - it's simple, clear, unique. But of course it's expensive...

Minaret Pendant
Off to search for more.