You see, every floor in our building has a compactor room. It's basically a miniature garbage closet that has a chute (which is way too small) for regular bagged and tied garbage and two pails marked for recycling. Sorta like these: (please click on the picture as it is too large to fit in the blog)

These aren't our actual stickers, but they are very similar. As you can plainly see, it is clearly illustrated what should go in each pail unless you are Mr. Magoo after getting a dilation test at the optometrist or one of the people that live on my floor. Yes, clearly your soda bottles should go where is says cardboard. I'm also pretty sure the actual slices of pizza can't be recycled to make another pizza.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not the most environmentally conscious person out there. In fact, I find a lot of people who preach green to be insufferably pretentious (just like you vegetarians!). I'm just saying, how hard is it to put a newspaper in a bucket that has a picture of a newspaper right on top of it. No wonder why monkeys made it to space before humans.