Well everyone, we are now finished looking. Broken record. Have I said that before? We mean it this time.
The finalists are in. Some reaches. Some compromises. A lot of negotiating to be done. We refuse to accept your first offers! Everyone will know soon enough the place we have chosen and we hope the day will be a memorable one for all.
For everyone who hasn't gone through this, let me just say that there is no chance you'll visit more places that we have. If anyone tops 21 places, I will buy you a Junior's Cheesecake.
At some point, it all becomes a blur. You're in Charlie Brown's classroom and between the wah-wahs all you hear is chafing dish, white glove, tax, gratuity, here's my card.
Most of these places are good. They are professionals and they know far more about receptions than I ever will. They've recited their speeches so many times, it's second nature. (note: rapid fire type writer style impresses no one) What really separates the good from the great is conversation. The good salesmen include you, they involve and engage you (no pun). We don't like being talked at. We need to feel important, we need our minds put at ease and our egos stroked a bit. It's a huge investment emotionally and financially, putting our dreams in strangers hands. We know it's a game. We are just asking them to play it the right way.
On to another topic.
Family. As you probably know, Ji and I are very family oriented people. We love our families deeply. Over the years, I've gotten to know the Lee family and have grown to love them. I can't underestimate how kind they have been to me and how gracious they have been in opening up their home to me and incorporating me into their family functions. It has been nerve wracking at times, but I am getting more comfortable with the members of my soon-to-be extended family.
This Saturday the two families are meeting for the first time and I admit that I am nervous. Nervous as most people would be when their families are meeting for the first time. By next year, we're all going to be related, but this is the first step. It's hard to believe that the two sisters haven't even met. It hasn't been intentional, it just never seemed to work out.
So in five days, the Susses are driving down to Blue Bell to share a meal with the Lees. (that's a lot of e's and s's huh?) There's nothing more family than eating together so that is what we are going to do. So now everyone will meet, and everyone will be worried, but everything will work out and some day we will laugh about any awkwardness we may encounter. Good, hardworking people have a lot in common. Family people figure it out. I may be nervous now, but I'm also smiling. I really can't wait.
1 comment:
Can't wait to meet the Susses! It'll be great! See you guys this weekend. Let me know when you want to leave.
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