I had a sample size of bridesmaid dress shopping this weekend and I plainly admit to be boggled.
I had it easy. I made one trip to a boutique that was near closing time and didn't have to rifle through satin, silk, and tumults of taffeta. I looked at one panel of color swatches and offered my tyronic opinions. You like navy? Yellow is good. Those seams look like Charlie Brown's shirt. Good feedback right?
It's a lot of pressure finding something beautiful and appropriate...and then you have to think about the girls who are going to be wearing the dresses. Will they like them or will they be muttering for your head behind your back, swearing revenge on your veiled soul? Then you think think about the pictures. The pictures! We still don't have a photographer...oh man.
So while the search for gowns continues, I wait with great anticipation to find out what color tie I will be wearing. Isn't a tuxedo a wonderful thing? Did you know it's spelled cummerbund? Did you know there is no chance I will be wearing one?
The girls will look beautiful. The gentlemen will be dapper. The pictures will still be expensive.
Until next time. Keep it natty.
Your Homework!
Give us any feedback you can cull on people's honeymoons. We need suggestions, reviews, ideas, and generally anything that will help us figure out where to go. If we go where you suggest I will bring you back a souvenir from there. That's what's up.
Austin? You guys can have bbq, catch a baseball game, and jeer at the Cowboys while wearing cowboy hats and boots...
or Seattle?
Yee haw
cabo san lucas, mexico!!! it's beautiful there~
my own parents (married 31 years on 5/22) went to chejudo (cheju island) in Korea; I think that is a very common honeymoon spot in Korea.
countless couples i know went to hawaii. most have never been back since as its so freakin' expensive.
rick and stephanie went to Australia and received aussie dollars as wedding gifts.
kelly and her fiance are going to thailand. their wedding is in july, and they're going to a friend's wedding in thailand - so they're combining that with their honeymoon.
emmylou and tim went to puerto vallerta.
susie and todd went to jamaica (and brought all their friends). neither of them smoke weed.
susie's twin sarah and joe went on a two week tour of western europe.
dave's parents went to bermuda.
laura and sean went to the french riviera.
i've even heard wisconsin dells, wisconsin as a honeymoon place (names redacted to protect their identities).
i think in the 50's, people liked to go to niagara falls, ny for honeymoons.
and there's that line in the da band song about honeymooning in amsterdam, which john lennon and yoko ono did for their nuptuals.
is that enough places, or should i list some more?
I would suggest a few places, but I think Marge covered them all.
If you want somewhere far away and beautiful, I would say Bora Bora, Fiji, or Tahiti- nothing like deep, clear blue waters, bright fuschia orchids, and bungalow balconies you can dive from into the ocean....
Or somewhere closer, I would say St. Thomas or St. Martins, all beautiful and relaxing with island flair and delicious food!!
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