We're not getting a band for the wedding entertainment, but it didn't stop us from watching their promotional DVDs. I can't express the joy we experienced watching these professionals sing more contemporary numbers. Umbrella, Crazy in Love, and Hurt by Christina Aguilera? Is there any explanation for how awkward a song this is for a wedding?
Can you imagine? Hey band, what I really want you to play is that song about blaming your dead father for stuff that was all your fault. What exactly do you follow that up with? Dead Bodies Everywhere by Korn?
I am sure I may make some quizzical choices when it comes to music (and hopefully I will get reigned in before embarrassing myself) but that is a downright bizarre choice.
Now I just have to convince Ji not to let them play the Cha Cha Slide.
can we submit requests for the dj yet?
a wedding isn't a wedding if they don't play 'come clean' by jeru the damaja.
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