People keep asking me if I am going to do the traditional Korean ceremony (Paebaek) during our wedding. As much as I like piggyback rides and having chestnuts thrown at me, I think we'll stick to the regular ceremony.
However, I'm open to incorporating other traditions during our day. For example, I just read that cranes represent a long, healthy life, so maybe we'll have some paper cranes added to the tablescape (new word I learned from wedding websites).
Also, it's Korean tradition to give the newlyweds a pair of wedding ducks, which represent three things: Peace, Many Children and No Separations. Source So maybe we'll have these displayed somewhere:

This got me interested in other wedding traditions besides the well-known "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue." So I researched some German wedding traditions and Irish wedding traditions too.
So for our wedding, Matt will wear a kilt, we'll saw a log after the ceremony, drink mead, and get some ducks and cranes.
Sounds like a party to me.
So it would not be good to serve duck.
Did you think it was funny about kneeling on the brides dress and then the bride stepping on the groom's shoe to make sure he knows who the real boss is?
I know the word tablescape from watching 'Semi-Homemade with Sandra Lee' on the Food Network.
I'm like the only person in the world who doesn't hate her. That Rachael Ray, on the other hand, must be stopped.
If you want to kill anyone, feed them Paula Dean's cooking.
mead is awesome. i had one of the drunkest nights of my life on mead, listening to medieval klezmer music in cesky krumlov, czech republic. are you going to serve that?
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