People keep asking me if I am going to do the traditional Korean ceremony (Paebaek) during our wedding. As much as I like piggyback rides and having chestnuts thrown at me, I think we'll stick to the regular ceremony.
However, I'm open to incorporating other traditions during our day. For example, I just read that cranes represent a long, healthy life, so maybe we'll have some paper cranes added to the tablescape (new word I learned from wedding websites).
Also, it's Korean tradition to give the newlyweds a pair of wedding ducks, which represent three things: Peace, Many Children and No Separations. Source So maybe we'll have these displayed somewhere:

This got me interested in other wedding traditions besides the well-known "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue." So I researched some German wedding traditions and Irish wedding traditions too.
So for our wedding, Matt will wear a kilt, we'll saw a log after the ceremony, drink mead, and get some ducks and cranes.
Sounds like a party to me.